And here goes April
This month’s allocation, following my ParaTopia investments strategy is set out as below.
My order is expected to enter that market pronto today, corresponding to the following unites per stock: ATCO-A.ST = 3, BOL.ST = 1, ERIC-B.ST = 2, ESSITY-B.ST = 1, HEXA-B.ST = 2, HM-B.ST = 4, INVE-B.ST = 1, NDA-SE.ST = 2, SAND.ST = 1, SEB-A.ST = 3, SHB-A.ST = 4, SWED-A.ST = 4, VOLV-B.ST = 2.
My investments are still quite tilted toward financial stocks, which is questionable given the last weeks results (see Three weeks and 544 SEK short). Anyhow, my strategy have also introduced some newcomers, like HEXA and HM. The thetas of the month amounted to 3.04 for dolvol and 0.96 for momentum.
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